Happy CHRISTmas 2015

Happy CHRISTmas 2015
Busy and Blessed!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

October 2010

How does Amy celebrate her second favorite month of the year?

Answer: She likes to watch "Halloweeny" movies.

Here is the Top Ten List of my favorite scary movies to enjoy during this Halloween Season:

10. Scream
9. The Birds
8. Halloween (The Original- TV Version)
7. A Nightmare on Elm Street
8. Silver Bullet
7. Salem's Lott
6. The Mummy
5. Harry Potter Films (All of them)
4. Wallace and Grommit's The Curse of the Were- Rabbit
3. Poltergeist
2. The Nightmare Before Christmas
1. Sleepy Hollow

She also likes to read "Halloweeny" books:

5. Dracula by Bram Stoker
4. Salem's Lott by Stephen King
3. It's The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown - not scary but totally a tradition
2. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
1. The Woman in Black by Susan Hill (This will be a new one this year)

She also listens to "Halloweeny Stuff": Currently on her Ipod:
10. On Halloween by Jerry Seinfeld
9. This is Halloween
8. Halloween Theme
7. Theme from Jaws
6. ET Flying Home
5. Double Trouble
4. Beetlejuice Main Titles
3. Theme from Poltergeist
2. Great Pumpkin Waltz
1. Thriller

I hope you have a great month!
If you aren't busy on Halloween night, pop by for our second annual movie on the lawn. It's a ton of fun and totally free! We'll have some chili, a fire going, and a fun kiddo movie projected on our house. Movie starts at dark.


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