Happy CHRISTmas 2015

Happy CHRISTmas 2015
Busy and Blessed!

Sunday, December 8, 2013

2013 Year in Review From The Roses

Happy CHRISTmas 2013!

We flipped a coin:  Danny Goes First- AGAIN.
Greetings all!  This last year has been memorable in many ways. I've literally visited both the East and West coasts while presenting a paper in San Francisco, riding along with Amy for her curriculum training in Boston, and attending a conference in Washington D.C. I was able to bike across the Golden Gate bridge, I was able to attend a Red Sox / Yankees baseball game at Fenway Park (also with Amy), and I stood at JFK's grave all with my very best friend.

2013 was also pretty crazy with Dad having not one but three surgeries in the last year.  It was a time of adjustment for us all, but we are hoping that prayers will be answered and that Dad can get back on his feet and start telling my brother and I what to do again. Through all this I've been able to see just how resilient my mother can be. She is an amazing lady who has sacrificed much for those that she loves.

Amy started her Masters degree this year and I am very proud of her for taking this first step. It's been interesting to see her on "the other side of the desk" and watch as she dives headfirst into things that pique her interested. Watch out folks. If this first term is any indicator, she'll be an unstoppable force when she graduates.

Get ready 2014. We'll be there before you know it!

Amy’s Turn!  
I have an affinity for prime numbers.  And this year has been prime.  Don’t get me wrong, there have been some ups and there have been some downs.  All in all, everything we have done and learned has brought us closer and stronger.
There was a major change/opportunity for us in 2013.  We had an amazing opportunity to travel to places we have not been.  We went to San Francisco, Boston, Colorado, and Washington, DC.  I keep running the trips through my head and find myself thinking of several memories that stick out.
  1. San Francisco:  We rented bikes and biked across the Golden Gate Bridge.
  2. Boston:  We rented bikes and biked all over the Boston Harbor.
  3. Washington:  I ran the Turkey Trot for Hunger on Thanksgiving Day along the National Mall achieving my resolution of 13 5Ks in 2013.
  4. Colorado:  I jeeped Black Bear Pass with my fellow Road Trip Crew Members.
  5. Mostly I have learned that as busy as life is, it is relational.  So in 2014 I plan on working on relationships with family and friends. 

I had the opportunity to study the bible with a group of girls that I have come to love so much.  Monday nights are a blessing!  I continue to work on exercising faith.  The bible verse that has meant so much to me during the past year is 2 Corinthians 4:7-9:”But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us. We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed.”  There is hope in this verse.  Life is good and there are times it throws a curveball or two.  But when we understand that the bad stuff cannot destroy us, we can find freedom in that.  This verse is a definition of exercising faith.

In the coming year we have many hopes.  I will continue to pursue my Master’s Degree in Curriculum and Instruction and will exercise both faith and physically in a resolution to complete 14 5Ks.  We will celebrate 13 years together and we will continue to rely on each other.  I am so lucky to have married my best friend.

Happy CHRISTmas and New Year, Much Love to you all!

Danny, Amy, Spooky the Cat, Buster the Dog, and Dixie the Dog

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